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Filter Banks - Multifilter CBRN Filtration Systems

Filter-banks are CBRN filtration systems which include several CBRN or CO2 filters connected into one system for providing large volume of filtered air. Such systems typically designed for specific project requirements and can combine up to 10 connected parallel filters in one system.

Customizable Filter-Banks for High-Volume Air Filtration in Shelters and Critical Facilities


Depending on the air volume required various filter options can be used, for example such units can include filters AFU 600, AFU 900, AFU 1200 or AFU 1800 creating a unit that can supply very high air volume in both NBC filtration and ventilation modes. The modularity of such units allow to create designs which can be fitted to limited spaces of the machine rooms or the toxic free area (TFA) of the shelter itself.

The filter banks can be designed considering the special requirements of the shelter like available allocated space, air volume, number of people, as well as specific standards (local or international), regulation or construction norms, climate zone and environmental conditions, shock resistance and blast protection requirements, and many other factors. A single shelter can have multiple filter-banks to accommodate any size of shelter and any number of people.
The Filter-Banks are based on standard and certified components, ensuring the safe operation of the system and can also be designed as manual, semi or fully automated with connection to an SMS (Shelter Management System) and an off-site remote operator.
Such Filter-Banks are usually installed in Subway Stations, Hospitals, Underground Parking Lots, Tunnels or any other large governmental or civil defense shelters.



  • Custom design for specific airflow (starting from 1,200 to 18,000 m3/h, and even larger), using standard filters and components.

  • Designed to meet project specifications and various international standards

  • Multiple systems can be installed in a single shelter to meet any airflow requirements.

  • Semi-automatic / automatic control options

  • Can be integrated with any management software and remote control.

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